My name is Preston, I currently work as a back-end web developer in the Education space building an LMS (Learning Management System) for incarcerated students with a company called Unlocked-Labs, with a goal of tracking educational impact on recidivism rates, and maintaining educational records for proof of good-time credits. I am also passionate about Rust, CLI applications and developer tools, systems programming, the Open source community. I enjoy working on eza where I am a core maintainer, I am the author of CuTE, a TUI front-end for libcurl with some cool extra features, and I have commits in many large open source projects. I love Linux (I use arch btw), DWM, Neovim, Tmux and Alacritty. I am an advocate for FOSS, privacy, security and internet anonymity, but also for criminal justice, and particularly drug-law reform, and I am a strong believer in education as a means to end mass incarceration.